City of Exile

City of Exile

Nothing is going according to plan for Diel Dathirii and his allies. Hellion has entrenched his power in House Dathirii, Hasryan is in Lord Allastam’s clutches, and with no one left to poison Master Avenazar, it’s only a matter of time before he seeks revenge.

City of Exile is the fourth and final installment of the City of Spires series, a multi-layered political fantasy led by an all-queer cast. Fans of complex storylines criss-crossing one another, elves and magic, and strong friendships and found families will find everything they need within these pages.

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About the Book

Nothing is going according to plan for Diel Dathirii and his allies. Hellion has entrenched his power in House Dathirii, Hasryan is in Lord Allastam’s clutches, and with no one left to poison Master Avenazar, it’s only a matter of time before he seeks revenge.

While Nevian scrambles to put together his magical trap, Larryn reaches out to the only person he trusts to save Hasryan: Sora Sharpe. Their impulsive rescue will hurtle Isandor towards a final confrontation—one last opportunity to reclaim House Dathirii and face Master Avenazar. But in order to seize this chance, Diel Dathirii and his allies will need to answer one question: what price are they willing to pay to ensure the future of their loved ones within the City of Spires?

Series: Isandor, City of Spires, Book 4
Genres: Aromantic, Asexual, Bisexual/Biromantic, Fantasy, Gay, Lesbian, Non-Binary
Publisher: The Kraken Collective
Publication Year: 2023
ISBN: 9781777846428
eBook Price: 7.99
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